Loony Intelligence
'The world desperately needs an Age of Wisdom, and the workplaces would be an inspirational place to start'
-Ricardo Semler
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Loony Intelligence

What Is Your Loony IQ? In a world turned upside down by the economic crisis, how well are we really coping? Psychologist Dr. Lieselotte Badenhorst believes that politicians and economists alike are talking around the real issue of the crisis.
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Contact Us

Lieselotte Badenhorst: lb@loonyintelligence.com
+27(0)71 505 7907
Rohan Badenhorst: rohan@3resource.com
+44(0)798 375 2993
We have offices in Cape Town, South Africa
and in London and Cambridge, United Kingdom

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Lieselotte Badenhorst

Dr Lieselotte Badenhorst is a chartered industrial psychologist and a senior lecturer specializing in organisational development. She says we can all live happier lives. “We waste so much time living in the past or in the future that we forget to live in the present moment.”
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© Lieselotte Badenhorst 2010